Monday, February 4, 2008

EATING OUT TIP: Breakfast Tips

Breakfast is becoming a popular meal to enjoy at a cafe - especially on the weekends. Some breakfast options are great choices, while others can be loaded with fat and kilojoules. Next time you are eating out for breakfast, follow this brekky tips:
  • Have a glass of water before you start your meal.
  • Order wholegrain or wholemeal bread instead of white bread. 
  • Look for high-fibre cereals, but keep an eye out for the high kilojoule, fat-laden granola clusters.
  • Choose skim milk on your cereal and in your coffee.
  • Ask for low-fat yoghurt with your fruit, cereal or pancakes.
  • Enjoy your eggs poached instead of fried or scrambled. Order a vegetable side such as tomatoes or spinach, instead of bacon.
  • Only order the big breakfast on special occasions. Other times, order poached eggs on toast with one or two vegetable sides.

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