Australian’s weekly alcohol intake triples during the festive season, reveals a new survey by the Australian charity FebFast. According to the survey, a quarter of respondents spend between $200 and $1000 on alcohol during the months of December and January and one third or respondents believe that their alcohol intake is excessive. Alarmingly, seven per cent of us turn to alcohol to cope with our family. To look after your health and save moolah along the way, take part in FebFast and give up alcohol for the month of February. Only one in five of us have actually tried to give up or reduce the booze as a New Year’s resolution and out of those that have tried, 40 per cent of us fail in less than a month.
Health & the City challenges you to become a FebFaster this February and raise some funds along the way. To join the Health & the City team or donate visit http://www.febfastfundraising.com.au/health__the_city.
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